Knowledge reference
Non-Governmental Organizations, Part III, Volunteering, Public Domain, Social Participation

+ Scientific source

Scientific productions of Persian and other languages


Diverse domestic and foreign institutions

+ Reputable person

Leading civic activists and researchers

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Related information from around the world

Aiming to develop the knowledge of popular associations, civic participation and volunteerism

Comprehensive reference of specialized scientific information

Mojtaba Moin Institute Civil Society Knowledge Base

Dr. Mojtaba Moin Charitable Institute is a social, humanitarian, non-governmental, non-profit and non-political organization that works with a scientific approach in the field of capacity building of civil institutions and prevention of social harms and their reduction. Helping to strengthen and institutionalize the culture of participation and social ethics and promoting the knowledge and insight of non-governmental structures is one of the programs of the institute that pursues it.
In the world of current scholars, with the aim of designing and developing a comprehensive website in various fields of the third part, the institute is trying to help establish this interdisciplinary field in the country. Scientific-research in the public-social field and its institutionalization as a field of study, our perspective is present in the database.

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NGOs in Iran NGOs in Iran

From charitable traditions such as vows and endowments in the past to online platforms to attract participation and social innovation-based services in the contemporary era, they all play a special role in solving people's problems. Introduction of various popular institutions and the most effective non-governmental organizations will be considered in this section.

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International NGOs International NGOs

Non-governmental organizations are a well-known name in all countries, which are among the most important pillars of development that have played a significant role in social cohesion and the promotion of public culture. In this section, we will introduce the most prominent international organizations that have gained unique experiences in social change.

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Scientific accumulation in the service of developing charitable knowledge

Civil society activists and thinkers

Collection of academic disciplines